Sunday, May 3, 2009

Veiltails are getting a second Chance

In my book VTs will always be #1. The IBC has indeed decided to set up show standards for Vts because so many people love them.

From the IBC newsletter
We have a new chapter devoted to veil tails. Charlie Davis and the crew are hoping to generate enough interest in this form that it will be essential that we establish a show class for them. They're also working on standards for veil tails. While many of us look on VTs as pet store fish and have no interest in them, it's important to remember that VTs were a step in the development of the bettas that are shown today. While a decision was made in the past to pursue symmetrically finned fish, that doesn't mean that there is no place in the IBC for asymmetrical Bettas. The range of colors available in this variety today is astounding and surpasses that of our HM and CT forms. I believe it's a good thing that we turn some attention back to these fish in an effort to develop this form to it's fullest potential. While some nice looking specimens may be available at your local lfs, these fish were mass produced and not bred to enhance anything but the range of colors. When good breeders start to work with them, I envision the fins lengthening and the bodies straightening in order to support the finnage. I can also see a spade tail form being developed over time, which could be a pretty neat fish. If you have some extra space and an interest in this form, please consider working with them.
Here is a tentative breed standard for the VT
• Standard Veiltail (VT)
• Dorsal (dorsal fin)
The Dorsal is narrower at its base and has fewer rays than the (other fin variants.)(1) The fin should run in a sickle-shaped manner and not exceed over ¾ of the body length of the fish. It should not (run out in individual rays.) (2) Overlapping of the Dorsal over the fish body is
not desired.
• Caudale (caudal fin)
The caudal fin should be full with a broad base, but (long stretched.) (3) It should be at least the same length as the body of the fish. The rays come out of the tail root steeply rising in the upper part of the fin and then after reaching its highest point at 20% of the entire fin length, drop down in an even (elbow.) (4)
Within the lower part of the fin the rays come out almost straight
from the tail root with an (easy upward arranged) (5) curvature and then
drop down parallel to the other fin rays. Thus results in a light sickle-shaped (long stretched optics.) (6) The Caudal must be able to be
carried easily by the fish in its entire length. The ends of the rays
should not have any spikes or indentations. An (easily corrugated) (7)
fin border is permitted. The fin volume is to be stretched completely
(not too many rays and/or too much skin between the rays, no
pleating) when the fish flairs.
• Anal (anal fin)
The anal fin should (set up at the highest point of the body) (8) and
be at least as long as the body and run out in its deepest end
(pointedly. The form is to resemble a parallelogram.) (9)
• Ventrals (ventral fins)
The ventral fins are to be the same length as one another and should look like a curved knife blade. They should BE at least 1/3 as long as the
I am going to be breeding Show standard VTs (concentrating on Dragons) So I am researching it a lot! Everyone giving 3 cheers for veiltails!

1 comment:

  1. Cute fishes i remember when i have a fish before so bad it died because i didnt care it much.
